Turning Your Part-Time Passion Into A Full-Time Career with Illustrator and Author Jena Holliday

Brava listeners, meet Jena Holliday, an illustrator, author, and creative based in Minnesota and founder of Spoonful of Faith. Her powerful, whimsical, and beautiful work has been featured in variety of publications but also in partnership with brands such as Dove, HarperCollins, TOMS, and more!

In today’s conversation Jena shares how she began her own business, shares where she sources inspiration behind her art, and gives us a sneak peek of what's next for Jena as she leads her fast growing business!



While on maternity leave Jena made her part-time passion a full time career and launched a Spoonful of Faith (3:30.)

A lot of Jena’s works of art are inspired by her passion to uplift and encourage diverse women whose voices are not often heard (6:50.) 

In a lot of the things that I share I am speaking to the women inside of me. The girl that was afraid to start. The girl that needs to know her worth and believe in herself and the gifts she has been given.
— Jena Holliday

Jena finds that a lot of one's obstacles come from what one believes about themselves. Your identity plays a role when following specific passions and gifts (9:20.) 

How you talk to yourself is the story that you will believe and the story that you will tell yourself every day. Jena shares that it is vital to build yourself up and speak positively (10:36.)

Knowing the purpose behind why you are doing what you are doing will lead you to succeed. Many organizations fail because of a lack of connection to knowing why they are creating what they are creating (11:34.)

As a mother of two, outside a morning glass of orange juice, Jena finds everyday is filled with ebbs and flows as a creative entrepreneur (14:30.)

The biggest challenge Jena discovered as an entrepreneur was working towards setting a tone for everything at first  before she create her team (18:05.)

Tune in here to hear more about Jena and her insight on mentorship! Jena believes there is no “perfect” mentor. Be open to any and all opportunities (19:40.)

Jena launched her first season of “Mother Creative”, a podcast she co-hosts that celebrates and encourages women to utilize their creativity in the way that they live and how to start now with what they have (23:35.)

Want to hear more from Jena? Be sure to follow her journey here and follow her on FB here!

Love her illustrations? Be sure to check out her online shop - she just launched a new 2021 Calendar, an Art and Coloring Book that honors and explores stories of women POC youth, and has designed lots of amazing apparel and home items!

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